Recent Projects

  • 7th Birthday Party Caricatures

    I drew caricatures of the birthday girl, her family and guests at a 7th Birthday Party in Raleigh this past weekend. It was unicorn themed and th...
  • Pet Health and Wellness Expo Caricatures

    I enjoyed drawing live pet caricatures at Dirty Dog Spa’s Pet Health and Wellness Expo this past Saturday at Crabtree Valley Mall! People brought...
  • PIPS Love is Art Caricatures

    It was a great night to raise funds for the non profit Perfectly Imperfect Pups at their Love is Art show on October 6th! I was honored to donate...
  • Octobull Fest Durham, NC

    I was hired by Bullcity Burger and Brewery to come out and draw live black and white caricatures for two hours at their annual Octobull Fest in do...
  • Pinehurst Wedding Caricatures

    I drew caricatures at the beautiful wedding of Maggie and Jordan in Pinehurst, NC on September 24th. It was a last minute booking and I was super...
  • Youngsville Fall Fest and Car Show Caricatures

    Youngsville showed up on September 24th to the Youngsville Fall Fest and Car Show! Cartoon Jordan had a booth drawing black and white as well as c...
  • Toy Story Themed Digital Caricature

    Fun Toy Story themed digital caricature commissions    
  • Cohesity Caricature Commission

    What a cool theme for these Cohesity Digital Caricatures!! They requested basketball trading cards of their executives but with their corporate log...
  • Robins and Morton Grand Opening Caricatures

    Grand Opening Caricatures To download your Caricature, please right click on your image and "save                    
  • Air Kit Employee Caricatures (100+ cartoons!)

    The wonderful folks at Air Kit reached out for custom digital caricatures of their employees and their hobbies/interests. There was a wide range of...
  • Triangle Community Coalition Live Caricatures @ Angus Barn Pavilion

    What a beautiful event at the Angus Barn Pavilion in Raleigh, NC that the Triangle Community Coalition held. It was a great event in which politici...
  • Renaissance Park HOA Pet Caricatures

    I was hired by Renaissance Park HOA near downtown Raleigh to come and draw pet caricatures at a neighborhood event this past Saturday. So many cute...